Simplified turn by turn directions

Simplified Runners Turn Sheet

Simplified Runners Turn Sheet
Most turns/intersections will be marked with orange flagging tape. The entire course will be marked from Plateau Mtn. down to Rte 40.

  1. Start go east from on Big Hollow Rd. for 2 mi.
  2. Turn left on red blazed Black Dome Trail at the water table (AS #1).
  3. Make a right on blue blazed Escarpment Trail/teal blazed Long Path
  4. Continue on ET/LP over Acra Point and Blackhead Mtn. to Dutcher’s Notch (AS #2)
  5. Continue on ET/LP over Stoppel Pt. and North Pt. to N/S Lake (AS#3). No turns.
  6. Continue on ET/LP, go right briefly on red blazed trail bypassing Boulder Rock.
  7. Make a left to stay on the blue blazed ET/LP.
  8. Go 0.5 mi downhill and make a left on red blazed Harding Road/teal blazed Long Path.
  9. Reach AS#4 at rte 23A. Cross road, turn right go for 0.25 mi over the bridge
  10. Make the 1800 left onto Malden Ave. Go over barrier down old road to a second barrier.
  11. Turn right on Blue blazed/teal blazed LP up gravel road just past the Fernwood Restaurant.
  12. Continue on the LP to Platte Clove AS #5
  13. Turn right onto Platte Clove Rd.
  14. Turn left onto teal blazed LP, cross bridge.
  15. Turn right on SECOND red blazed trail, the Devils Path/teal blazed Long Path.
  16. Stay on red blazed DP over Indian Head, Twin, and Sugarloaf to AS #6 in Mink Hollow.
  17. Climb Plateau Mtn. 1/2 mi after summit take a left on blue blazed Warner Creek trail/teal blazed LP towards Mt. Tremper.
  18. Reach AS #7 Silver Hollow Notch.
  19. Climb Edgewood Mtn., cross Warner Creek, climb Carl Mtn. (AS #8 at Willow). No turns.
  20. At Mt. Tremper fire tower trail becomes red blazed Phoenicia trail and continues to be teal blazed
  21. At bottom make a right turn onto Plank Rd. (Rte 40). to finish.