Simplified Runners Turn Sheet
Most turns/intersections will be marked with orange flagging tape. The entire course will be marked from Plateau Mtn. down to Rte 40.
- Start go east from on Big Hollow Rd. for 2 mi.
- Turn left on red blazed Black Dome Trail at the water table (AS #1).
- Make a right on blue blazed Escarpment Trail/teal blazed Long Path
- Continue on ET/LP over Acra Point and Blackhead Mtn. to Dutcher’s Notch (AS #2)
- Continue on ET/LP over Stoppel Pt. and North Pt. to N/S Lake (AS#3). No turns.
- Continue on ET/LP, go right briefly on red blazed trail bypassing Boulder Rock.
- Make a left to stay on the blue blazed ET/LP.
- Go 0.5 mi downhill and make a left on red blazed Harding Road/teal blazed Long Path.
- Reach AS#4 at rte 23A. Cross road, turn right go for 0.25 mi over the bridge
- Make the 1800 left onto Malden Ave. Go over barrier down old road to a second barrier.
- Turn right on Blue blazed/teal blazed LP up gravel road just past the Fernwood Restaurant.
- Continue on the LP to Platte Clove AS #5
- Turn right onto Platte Clove Rd.
- Turn left onto teal blazed LP, cross bridge.
- Turn right on SECOND red blazed trail, the Devils Path/teal blazed Long Path.
- Stay on red blazed DP over Indian Head, Twin, and Sugarloaf to AS #6 in Mink Hollow.
- Climb Plateau Mtn. 1/2 mi after summit take a left on blue blazed Warner Creek trail/teal blazed LP towards Mt. Tremper.
- Reach AS #7 Silver Hollow Notch.
- Climb Edgewood Mtn., cross Warner Creek, climb Carl Mtn. (AS #8 at Willow). No turns.
- At Mt. Tremper fire tower trail becomes red blazed Phoenicia trail and continues to be teal blazed
- At bottom make a right turn onto Plank Rd. (Rte 40). to finish.